A blog dedicated to process control, industrial instrumentation and measurement & control. Weekly posts highlighting educational, informative, and new product information on all aspects of process control equipment. Courtesy of Hile Controls, Inc. | Call us at 205.620.4000
White Paper: A Dozen Ways to Measure Fluid Level
Process engineers continue to search for more accurate and reliable level measuring systems. The demands of advanced automated processing systems, the need for ever tighter process control, and an increasingly stringent regulatory climate require better systems.
Improved accuracy of level measurement reduces chemical processes variability, resulting in higher product quality, lower cost, and less waste. Regulations set strict criteria for accuracy, reliability, and electronic reporting, especially those governing electronic records. The new technology for calculating levels helps to fulfill these requirements.
ABB, a worldwide leader in process control instrumentation, authored this excellent white paper describing the variety of technologies available to measure fluids in industrial applications. Download the white paper here.
For more information, contact Hile Controls of Alabama. Call 800-536-0269 or visit https://hilealabama.com.
Eurotherm Process Control and Instrumentation Product Guide
Temperature Control, Process Control, Measurement and Data Recording Solutions
Part of the Schneider Electric business, Eurotherm, is a leading global supplier of Industrial Automation and process control, measurement, and data management solutions.
Eurotherm's wide range of products is rich in features and designed for quick operation and reduced engineering time. They include market-leading control algorithms, recording, and data protection techniques that add value to manufacturing processes, increase efficiency, minimize waste, and ensure that data is kept safe for as long as possible.
A continuous research and development program supports decades of expertise in delivering world-class process management, recording, and automation to ensure Eurotherm technologies address the modern challenges faced across a broad spectrum of industries.
For more information about Eurotherm in Alabama, Mississippi, and the Florida Panhandle contact Hile Controls of Alabama. Call them at 800-536-0269 or visit their website at https://hilealabama.com.⠀
Non-invasive Fluid Identification via Acoustic Signal
For more information about Perceptive Sensor Technologies contact Hile Controls of Alabama. Call them at 800-536-0269 or visit their website at https://hilealabama.com.
Applications for Thermal Flow Meters in Wastewater Treatment Plants
Wastewater treatment plants ( WWTPs) or publicly owned treatment plants (POTWs) must operate 24/7 to satisfy domestic, industrial, and storm drain sources. Sewage treatment includes eliminating pollutants from wastewater and sewage (human waste, animal waste, soaps, and detergents) to create a safe fluid waste stream that can be reintroduced safely into the ecosystem and a solid waste appropriate for reuse (usually as fertilizer). The primary applications for flow meters in wastewater treatment settings measure blower air to each pool in the aeration basin and measure digester gas flow.
The aeration basin is an array of treatment pools containing aerobic bacteria that breaks down sewage. A blower adds the necessary dissolved oxygen (DO) to the aerobic bacteria in the aeration basin. Too little oxygen destroys the bacteria, and too much oxygen is expensive; running the aeration blower accounts for up to 60% of all wastewater power consumed.Digester sewage is called "sludge." When bacteria is added to the digester, the sludge breaks down and releases gas. This digester gas is collected, compressed, it's excess moisture gets removed, and is then cleaned in a scrubber. The clean gas is sent to engines or fuel cells for power generation, boiler water heating (for steam or hot water), and excess gas burns off at the flare. Many extensive sewage treatment facilities use digester biogas to operate the plant, minimizing their grid power consumption.
Developing accurate flow rate data allows wastewater treatment facilities to more precisely manage digester production levels, enabling tighter controls on methane levels and flaring. Kurz Instruments provides a handy application brief explaining where thermal flowmeters are applied.DOWNLOAD THE APPLICATION BRIEF HERE
For more information about applying flowmeters in wastewater treatment plants in Alabama, Mississippi, and the Florida Panhandle, contact Hile Controls of Alabama. Call them at 800-536-0269 or visit their site at http://hilealabama.com.
Disc & Seat Replacement for the Jordan Mark 701/702 Series Sliding Gate Control Valve
This six-minute video teaches the viewer how to replace the sliding gate and associated parts for the Jordan Valve 701/702 Series control valve.
The Mark 701/702 high-flow and super high-flow sliding gate control valves provide shorter stroke than a globe or plug-style valve, straight-through flow, and ease of maintenance.
A side or top-mounted positioner is available to overcome the typical hysteresis for a control valve and actuator and to ensure that the valve stem position is always directly proportional to the control valve command signal.
For more information about Jordan Valves, contact Hile Controls of Alabama. Call them at 800-536-0269 or visit their website at https://hilealabama.com.
Non-intrusive, Non-invasive Fluid Identification and Condition Monitoring with Perceptive Sensor Technologies
Did you know there's an innovation that can now identify any fluid inside any sealed container, or that you can continually monitor and detect fluids in a closed pipeline or tank? Well it is possible to do with real-time and spot-check accuracy using Perceptive Sensor Technologies patented technology.
The technology was originally developed by the us government to monitor treaty agreements pertaining to chemical weapons, specifically as an efficient way to inspect artillery shells and ensure they did not contain chemical agents. If they did, the sensor also identified the chemical agent inside the artillery shell.
Perceptive Sensor Technologies controls the patented technology and is introducing this technology to the worldwide marketplace to fill an unmet demand to efficiently track and monitor liquid materials.
Here's how Perceptive Sensors Technologies works:
Just like every person has an identifiable fingerprint, at any given temperature every fluid has a one of a kind acoustic signature fingerprint. When a sound wave travels through a fluid, it produces a unique identifiable measurement. Perceptive Sensors patented science produces an acoustic signal, measures it, and computes the signature to accurately identify the fluid authenticity. This technology offers fast, reliable, and economical inspections. It's easily scalable it works on any sealed container, pipeline, machinery, or system now. Any fluid can be strategically spot-checked or continually monitored to expedite transit, manage product quality, deter theft, and find contraband.
For more information about this exciting new technology contact Hile Controls of Alabama. Call them at 800-536-0269 or visit their website at https://hilealabama.com.
Happy Labor Day from Hile Controls of Alabama!
From Hile Controls of Alabama, a sincere thanks to all the hard working people who make the US economy run each and every day.
Pyrometer Wavelength Selection Guide
Wavelength is an important parameter when selecting an infrared pyrometer because some optical interferences are highly transparent only in specific wavebands. Infrared energy is an electromagnetic energy just like visible light and x-rays. Visible light does not pass through the human chest while x-rays go right through with wavelength being the only difference. In a similar way, correct wavelength selection allows an infrared pyrometer to view clearly through some types of intervening media, such as steam, flames, combustion gasses, etc., without introducing an error.
For more information about Williamson infrared pyrometers, contact Hile Controls of Alabama. Call them at 800-536-0269 or visit their website at https://hilealabama.com.
The Dräger Pac® Mobile Gas Detection Series: Pac 6000, 6500, 8000 and 8500
The Dräger Pac® series is composed of fast, accurate, reliable and easy-to-use personal single and dual gas detectors. The devices are extremely robust, featuring clear warning signals and language-free displays. Their cutting-edge sensor technology delivers reliable results every time.
The Dräger Pac series is available with a wide variety of sensors. The Pac 6000 and 6500 series can be equipped with sensors for standard natural gases like CO, H2S, SO2 or O2. The Pac 8000 series is the right choice for special gases like ozone, phosgene or nitrogen dioxide. If you need a dual sensor you can rely on the Pac 8500 series with a H2S / CO or O2 / CO sensor. In addition, the device can be equipped with a special hydrogen-compensated CO sensor for situations where carbon monoxide needs to be measured with hydrogen as a background gas.
For more information in Alabama, Mississippi, the Florida Panhandle, or Western Tennessee, contact Hile Controls of Alabama. Call 800.536.0269 or visit https://hilealabama.com/drager, https://hilealabama.com/draeger, or https://hilealabama.com/dräger.
White Paper: Integrated Process Control Level Products for the Future
Hile Controls of Alabama Now Providing Draeger Safety Products: N95 Respiratory Masks, Hoods, Draeger Gas Detection Tubes, & Personal Single and Multi Gas Detectors
Hile Controls of Alabama is a Draeger authorized distributor in Alabama, Mississippi, and the Florida Panhandle.
Schneider Electric Eurotherm Data Reviewer
Your process data is not only a means of demonstrating compliance for regulatory purposes.
It can also be used to give insights into your production processes, identifying areas where improvements may be made.
The ability to browse and analyze your process data at any time, without the need for application or database expertise, is essential for agility and continuous improvement.
Eurotherm Data Reviewer empowers you to display, analyze, print and share historical data files, however you want, whenever you want.
With the Auditor option, a full audit trail is provided for annotations and excursion information, with user authentication and electronic signatures to facilitate accountability, integrity, and confidentiality of the source data.
For more information, contact Hile Controls of Alabama. Call them at 800-536-0269 or visit https://hilealabama.com.
Coronavirus Fever Detection System for Businesses, Institutions, Campuses, and Facilities
The Fever Detection System FeverTIR, manufactured by VisionTIR, is designed to quickly and accurately measure people’s body temperature with an accuracy of 0.5 ºF (0.3 ºC) without contact.

The system combines a high-precision thermal camera with a visible Full HD camera allowing body temperature measurement and the identification of people, with fast recording of the data obtained.
The system is designed for entrances entrance of hospitals, offices, industrial facilities, logistics centers, shopping centers, hotels, banks, schools, etc.
For more information, contact Hile Controls of Alabama. Call them at 800-536-0269 or visit their website at https://hilealabama.com.
How to Connect the ABB LWT Series Guided Wave Radar Level Transmitter Remote Head
The ABB LWT Series Guided Wave Radar Level Transmitter uses radar frequencies, guided in a probe going into the tank or vessel, to provide continuous, reliable level measurement with high accuracy. LWT300 series instruments cover a wide range of applications. They can meet your needs for applications up to 204 °C (400 °F) and 207 bars (3000 psi). ABB LevelExpert technology concentrates over 20 years of industrial level measurement experience into an intelligent instrument made to accurately detect levels, even in the most demanding conditions.
Certain process conditions warrant the use of a remote head on the LWT300 instrument. Remote head instruments are also very useful for any reason where you might prefer or need to distance the head from the coupler (ease of access, floating roofs, etc.)
There are three main steps to installing a remote head instrument:
- Installing the probe-coupler assembly in the vessel. See LWT Series Guided Wave Radar Level Transmitter user guide for instructions.
- Installing the head on a support bracket in a remote location. See LWT Series Guided Wave Radar Level Transmitter user guide for instructions.
- Connecting the probe-coupler assembly to the instrument head with the proper coaxial communication cable.
- When connecting either end of the coaxial cable, we strongly suggest the use of a wrench or pliers.
- Connect one end of the coaxial cable to the bottom of the head-coupler adapter.
- The coaxial cable bend radius shall not be less than 150 mm (6 in).
- Connect the other end of the coaxial cable to the top of the coupler.
- Complete.
Coronavirus Update and Mitigation
Every day brings new developments related to Coronavirus, and we understand that uncertainly can be unsettling. Our hearts go out to those who have been impacted and our families and communities need to be kept safe and protected.
Hile Controls of Alabama, Inc. is committed to the health and well-being of our employees, customers and suppliers. We are monitoring the local situation and in contact with our suppliers on their ability to continue operations and shipments of orders. In addition, we are also monitoring the reports from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Here are a couple of links you may want to review regularly for up to date and useful information:
- CDC Resources for Businesses and Employers
- https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019
- https://www.americanchemistry.com/Novel-Coronavirus-Fighting-Products-List.pdf
We realize that, in this time of crisis, it is critical that we make it possible for you to continue your operations and to help you respond to the unique demands that you may be facing in your business. Our capabilities are wide ranging and varied:
- We are a small office - open and fully functional and following the cleanliness and health guidelines at our office in Pelham, at this writing.
- Our phones have been VOIP for years; which means we can take our office phones home and have the capability to answer your calls, even if we must shelter-in-place.
- Our business system is also on the cloud, which means we have access to your orders and proposals with a touch of a few keys.
- We have the ability to work with you through teleconferencing, Zoom calls and Facetime, so that we are all working within the guidelines of safe practices.
As the spread lessens, which it will, we will continue to assist you with fast responses to your requirements for information, new ideas and innovative thought. We pray for the quick disposal of this virus that haunts us this day but have faith there are much better and brighter days ahead. Take care of yourselves, your loved ones and those that are at high risk within the community.
May God be with you and peace to us all.
Grady Andrews
Hile Controls of Alabama, Inc.
ph: 205-620-4000
cell: 205-438-0983
New Product Alert: Pre-engineered Universal Process Control Panels by Schneider Electric - Eurotherm
Eurotherm by Schneider Electric is a worldwide manufacturer of precision process controls and data recorders.
Eurotherm is now manufacturing two new, pre-engineered, universal process control panels fitted with BACnet communications for easy integration into building automation systems. These control panels feature either the Eurotherm EPC3004 controller or nanodac™ Recorder/Controller and are designed for customers who typically like to use Eurotherm control products but have difficulty in getting them assembled into a control box or panel.
- The EPC3000 range of programmable single loop process and temperature controllers maximizes efficiency and repeatability and are certified for cybersecurity communications robustness. The EPC3000 controller range is Ethernet enabled as standard and is the first Eurotherm controller to be designed and certified to meet the stringent cybersecurity requirements of Achilles® Communications Robustness Testing Level 1. Now the EPC3000 has native BACnet connectivity and provides the OEM and user a direct connection to building automation systems without the need of a costly and time-consuming third party gateway.
- The nanodac™ recorder/controller offers the ultimate in graphical recording combined with PID control for a box of its size. The compact ¼ DIN panel mount unit offers four high accuracy universal inputs for data recording and PID control. This secure data recording device with accurate control is enhanced by a full color, ¼ VGA display to bring a crystal clear operator interface to even the smallest of machines. The nanodac™ is the industry’s first process controller and digital data recorder available with native BACnet.
For more information, contact Hile Controls of Alabama. Call them at 800-536-0269 or visit their website at https://hilealabama.com.
Applications Guide for Jordan Valve Products

Their products are used in many demanding applications - very often in applications requiring more than a standard, off-the-shelf industrial product. The unique construction of the Jordan Valve Sliding Gate seat makes their regulators and control valves the ideal choice for many applications.
For more infomration about Jordan Valve, contact Hile Controls of Alabama. Call them at 800-536-0269 or visit their web site at https://hilealabama.com.
Using Bluetooth to Startup and Commission the Honeywell OELD
The Honeywell Optima Excel Local Display (OELD) is a Bluetooth-enabled smart junction box for the Searchpoint Optima Plus and Searchline Excel infrared detectors for flammable hydrocarbons. The OELD includes an LCD screen for gas information, a “traffic light” indicator for at-a-glance detector status, andBluetooth® connectivity for simplified, non-intrusive maintenance. Simply pair the OELD with our intrinsically safe, ruggedized smartphone; then use the OELD smartphone app to interact with the gas detector from up to 10 meters (30 feet) away. For maximum flexibility, the gas detector can be mounted either directly or remotely to OELD to suit any situation.
For more information, contact Hile Controls of Alabama. Call them at 800-536-0269, or visit their web site at https://hilealabama.com.