The wafer-style body and sliding gate combination gives you an operating Cv range from 8 to 600 for outstanding control. The Mark 75 also makes 180° rotation easier, as well as reversing of function and changing actuation because of its T-slot design.
- Shorter stroke length than globe or cage designs
- Straight-through flow
- Ease of maintenance
- Easy installation between flanges with wafer body
- High flow rates
- Self cleaning, self lapping seats
- Reduced noise compared to conventional globe/ cage valves
- More resistant to cavitation / flashing with straight through, wafer design
Installed in a broad range of gas, chemical and steam applications all over the world, Jordan control valves have been providing unparalleled benefits to industrial manufacturers for over fifty years.
For more information about Jordan Valves, contact Hile Controls of Alabama by calling 800-536-0269 or by visiting https://hilealabama.com.